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I started writing stories when I was really little. I can remember sharing stories I made up with my stuffed animals to the class room. I got into poetry more in high school and was the president of the Literacy Circle, a small group of people who loved to read, draw, and go to book stores. Oh and share chocolate chip cookies and milk!

The library was my favorite place to be, I might vlog about my library trips and perhaps coffee receips and desserts? This blog was very spur of the moment, but I’m glad I did not wait. I’ve been wondering a lot about where I want my writing to take me. Back in college, my goal was to get a Creative Writing degree. I ponder what life is like as someone who teaches English abroad.  Right now I’m working on two projects: a poetry book and a novel. I’m also trying to read more books, but with a mentally exhausting 9-5 job and life in general it’s quicker to read blogs and online magazines.

I’ll be posting book reviews on herbology, fantasy, mindfulness, I’ll sprinkle my poems here and there, and I’m having a lot of fun combining storytelling with handmade art becauuse my other hobby is crochet… my goal is to get back into school, follow my writing path and see where it takes me. I want to plant myself in an enviornment with rich soil, conditioned to help me grow. It’s important to know what’s right for you to flower.

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